Career projects abroad

New German visa makes it easier for skilled workers to immigrate

written by
Natasha Machado
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Recently, Germany announced the Chancenkarte, or “Opportunity Card”, a new work visa that offers non-Europeans a unique chance to immigrate to the country. This point system, which began accepting applications on June 1, evaluates candidates based on academic qualifications, language skills, and professional experience.

Open opportunities with Chancenkarte

With Chancenkarte, those who have experience and potential can find suitable jobs in Germany more quickly and efficiently. This visa allows non-Europeans to live in Germany for up to one year while looking for a job, without needing an employer to sponsor them. In addition, it allows them to work part-time while searching for a stable job.

This initiative aims to combat labor shortages in crucial sectors such as medicine, education, manufacturing, and engineering. It is an excellent opportunity for qualified professionals to settle in Germany and contribute to the country's economy.

Benefits for students

For those interested in studying and working in Germany, Chancenkarte represents an incredible opportunity. The Be Easy Exchange can help you make the most of this new visa by offering language learning programs that increase your chances of qualifying. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Job search: Opportunity to live in Germany while looking for a job.
  • Part-time work: Possibility to legally work part-time.
  • Recognition of qualifications: Valuation of academic qualifications and professional experience.
  • Focus on the German language: Extra points for German language skills, essential for life and work in Germany.

For more information on how to combine work and study, check out our guide on Study and Work in Germany.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Chancenkarte, candidates must meet certain criteria. They must hold a professional qualification or academic degree recognized in Germany. Other factors, such as professional experience, age, and language skills, are also considered.

Applicants must achieve a minimum score of six points and demonstrate financial capacity to cover their expenses during the job search, with a minimum amount of €1,027 per month.

Application process

The application process for the Chancenkarte is structured and requires several steps:

  1. Eligibility Verification: Use the “autocheck” on the Make It In Germany website to check your eligibility.
  2. Required Documentation: Gather all required documents, such as academic qualifications and proof of financial stability.
  3. Personal application: Make your registration in person at the German Diplomatic Mission in your city or country.

The Be Easy Exchange can help with every step of the process, ensuring that you have everything you need for a successful application.

Importance of learning German

Mastering the German language is one of the most important factors in obtaining the Chancenkarte and integrating into German society. Here are some ways the Be Easy Exchange can help you qualify:

  1. German courses: We offer German courses for all levels, from beginners to advanced.
  2. Cultural immersion: Programs that combine language learning with cultural experiences for complete immersion.
  3. Exam preparation: Specific classes for preparing proficiency exams in German, such as the TestDAF.
  4. Ongoing support: Support throughout the learning and adaptation process in Germany.

Be Easy

Na Be Easy Exchange, we're ready to help you take advantage of this new opportunity. Whether you're interested in language learning programs or university programs, our team can provide the necessary support. Contact us today and discover how we can make your dream of living and working in Germany a reality!

Contact Be Easy Exchange and start your new journey right now!

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Natasha Machado
Founder e CEO, Be Easy