What is high school like in Italy?
A Italy, cradle of a rich cultural and educational tradition, has attracted more and more international students to its education system. For Brazilian families considering sending their children to study abroad, understand the functioning of Italian high school it's fundamental. In this article, we will explore the most important aspects of the secondary education system in Italy, addressing the main doubts of Brazilian parents.
Structure of the Italian education system
O High School in Italy, known as “second grade secondary school”, has the following characteristics:
- Duration: 5 years, generally for students aged 14-19.
- Mandatory: Education is compulsory up to 16 years of age.
- Division: There is no formal division into cycles, as in Brazil, but the curriculum is progressive over 5 years.
The Italian high school system is renowned for its comprehensive approach, which combines traditional academic disciplines with technical or professional training, depending on the type of school chosen.
Curriculum and types of high schools
In Italy, there are different types of high schools, each with its specific focus:
- Lyceum: Academically focused schools, preparing students for university. There are several types: some text
- Liceo Classico: Emphasis on humanities and classical languages
- Liceo Scientifico: Focus on science and mathematics
- Liceo Linguistica: Specialized in modern languages
- Liceo Artistico: Focused on visual arts and design
- Technical Institute: Combines general education with technical training in areas such as economy, technology or tourism.
- Professional Institute: Offers practical professional training, preparing students for the labor market.
O Base curriculum includes subjects such as Italian, Mathematics, History, Geography, Science, Foreign Language, and Physical Education. The specific subjects vary depending on the type of school chosen.
It is important to note that the Italian system places great emphasis on learning the Italian language, which can be an initial challenge for Brazilian students, but also an excellent opportunity for linguistic immersion.
Assessment and exam system
The Italian assessment system has some peculiarities:
- Notes: The grade scale ranges from 1 to 10, with 6 being the minimum score for approval.
- Ongoing evaluations: Students are evaluated regularly throughout the academic year.
- Exame de Estado (State Exame): Also known as “Maturity”, it is the final high school exam, taken at the end of the 5th year.
O State Exam is crucial for the completion of high school and access to university. It consists of:
- Written Italian tests and course-specific subjects
- Multidisciplinary oral exam
The final score of the Esame di Stato is expressed in hundredths (from 60 to 100) and is considered for admission to Italian and international universities.
School routine and student life
School life in Italy has its own characteristics:
- Class Schedule: Generally from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 2 p.m., from Monday to Saturday (some schools adopt the 5-day week).
- Class structure: Periods of 50-60 minutes.
- luncheon: Many schools don't offer lunch because classes end early.
Italian schools also offer extracurricular activities, although on a smaller scale compared to other countries:
- Sports clubs
- Theater and music groups
- Volunteer projects
Unlike many countries, the use of uniforms it is not common in Italian public schools, although some private schools may require them.
Italian school culture highly values classroom participation and the development of critical thinking, which may be an interesting adaptation for Brazilian students.
Adaptation process for international students
Italian schools are increasingly prepared to receive international students:
- Language support programs: Many schools offer extra Italian language classes for foreign students.
- Cultural orientation: Some institutions have programs to help adapt to Italian culture.
- Recognition of previous studies: The Italian system has procedures for validating studies carried out in other countries.
As for accommodation, international students generally have two options:
- Living with an Italian family: Offers cultural immersion and daily support.
- Boarding schools: Less common, but available at some private institutions.
Cultural integration is facilitated by the welcoming nature of Italian society and the wealth of cultural experiences available in Italian cities.
Be Easy: Your Bridge to High School in Italy
Studying high school in Italy offers a unique and enriching educational experience. A Be Easy Exchange is ready to guide you on this journey. Our specialized team provides detailed information about programs, application process, and ongoing support. Get in touch with us today to start planning for a bright future in Italy!